Thursday, August 2, 2012

Here's to learning something new.

I'm a morning my husband can attest to.  On good days, I can sleep until 7am.  Most the time I'm up and about at around 5:30.  Garth (my husband) loves to sleep in and is a night person.  I'm sure you can all see where this is headed.  I try my best to let him sleep in but I have the most scathingly brilliant ideas first thing in the morning!  I can't help myself!  Sanguine in nature, I have to wake him up and share all my crazy thoughts...this usually entails tickling his feet....much to his chagrin!  Needless to say, this is where one morning out of love for my husband and his sanity that I decided to start a blog!  Brilliant eh?
    I'm not an insomniac (I'm actually narocoleptic belive it or not) but sometimes this waking up early gets a little out of hand and I find myself wandering the house at 3 in the morning.  I was going to name this blog thoughts at 3 but in my good ol' Catholic guilt my thought prosses went something like this. 
     "Thoughts at Three!  Cool title.  Hmmm.  Isn't three in the morning the devils hour?  Yikes.  Well better to err on the side of caution." 
     "Graceful Living" is the title I came up with for my someday maybe shop/business.  So I thought I would start here and see what happens. 
     I'm not a very good writer and I'm really terrible at computer stuff but I think it's good for everyone to learn something new.  It helps us learn about ourselves and self knowledge leads us to God.  So, here's to learning something new. 
Welcome to Graceful Living.
Rebecca Pereira


  1. Hooray! Welcome to blogland. :) Can't wait to see what your creative mind comes up with here!
